Friday, May 16, 2008

Surprised to Hear...

I drive a school bus for some extra money. The other day I was shuttling pre-schoolers to the Library for a field-trip, less than a five minute trip in our town. One of the teachers was having a conversation with a student and they were talking about what fun the tour, getting to have a story read to them, and time at the playground would be. Then I heard the teacher say, "and then we'll be rid of you!" Not just once, but several times to stress the point that they would be glad to have time without students.

I was floored. Not by the comment. Parents can often be overheard making relatively insensitive comments to their kids. I'm sure that many things that proceed from my mouth are less than encouraging to the people around me - my children and others. The tongue is a difficult thing to tame, that is for certain. What surprised me was the fact that this was coming from someone who had chosen to be a direct influence in the lives of young people. Someone who is supposed to nurture and guide the formation of malleable minds and hearts. What would the parent of that child say if they had overhead the teacher be so callused? Then I started thinking about my own actions.

How many times do my words hurt instead of heal? Every so often, the Spirit will prompt me about the insensitivity of something I've said casually or in jest. I try not to cause pain if I actually consider my words before I speak them, but we all know the impact thoughtless words have. I'm sure that educators do not often let their true feelings about students show because of the negativity that can be lurking under the surface. It was a rare glimpse at an unguarded moment. I guess the real question is... why should I hold her to a higher regard than I do myself? A good reminder that you never know who's listening in or the impact a carelessly chosen phrase can have.

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