Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Certain People...

Why is it that... when you screw up, it seems that you have a tendency to screw up for some people more than others? Has this happened to you? Life seems to be moving along and then you make a mistake. Something that hurts someone else in some way. It doesn't have to be big. It could be, but hopefully not. More often than not, I seem to keep disappointing the same people again and again.

Usually the person is someone I know. Not good enough to be friends, but more than just an acquaintance. They typically are not family - although sometimes family members on the "fringe" fall in this category. They are people who you have more contact with for whatever reason - member of a group you belong to, somebody from church, or a co-worker who you probably don't have daily contact with. Why are these people the ones?

Is it that we don't care? I hope not. Generally, I try to avoid repeating mistakes especially with the same person as the "victim". Obviously that doesn't always work out or I wouldn't be moved to write this right now. Do some people, who don't know us as well as some others, have higher expectations? Maybe. Are we just forgetful? Probably.

I didn't expect to arrive at an answer during this highlight. I just wanted to make a statement so that everyone who experiences this phenomena realizes that they're not alone. I too have a knack for messing up when certain people are available for me to mess up for.

Be encouraged. Stand strong. Keep trying even when you fall short!

To those people who I always seem to come up short for... I'm sorry. I'm still working on my follow through and interpersonal skills. I'll do better next time. I promise.

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