It's time for church camp! I spent a couple of hours meeting with Ryan Follis from First Baptist Nokomis yesterday. We went over our plans for the week of camp that we are co-directing for the second year. Leading camp for a full week is an expansion of the three day camp we hosted last year.
This year's edition is a combo camp. That means that elementary school kids who have completed 2nd through 6th grades are eligible to participate. The week begins Sunday afternoon and concludes Friday morning. Cost is $200 (many churches pay half to help students go to camp) and includes all lodging, food, and activities. The counselor ratio is one adult counselor and a junior counselor for 8-10 young people. We are doing well recruiting male counselors (a shortcoming of last years camp and for most camps, it's hard to get men to participate), but still need several women. Please pray that we get all of the counselors we need, because without counselors, we can't have camp!
Some of the activities planned are daily bible study, personal devotions, focused messages, and small group time. For fun stuff, there will be swimming, group games, canoeing, giant slip and slide (and a chocolate edition), hiking, campfires, and special activities to wrap up each day.
If you have a child who is in this age group and would like to go to camp, contact the church office for a registration form. If you think God might be prompting you to be a counselor, please contact me at the church and I'll be glad to give you more details to assist your decision.