Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Musical Musings

How do you feel about Christmas music? Are you tired of it yet or does it still help to set a mood for what you are doing at this time of year? We have a wonderful variety of songs to enjoy in virtually any style. Silly songs, kid's music, hymns and carols, and it seems that every musical group wants to do some kind of holiday recording. Do you ever think about what you are hearing?

The thought struck me as I was sitting in the Little Theater on the Square in Sullivan enjoying the production of "The Magic of Christmas" with one of the church's adult Sunday school classes. How is it that people can go around singing hymns (carols) and not pick up on the meaning? Somehow with all of the richness of God's love and the story of His coming to live among us that is expressed in those songs, we manage to gloss right over it and live as if materialism and cuteness are the true meaning of Christmas.

I managed to do it for many years. Some of them even being after I had decided to follow Christ. I guess we're just too familiar with them. We've lost the wonder and awe that is wrapped up in having "He who always is" demonstrate His love to us by living with us and dying for us. Paying a price that we could not. How can we overlook the lengths that God will go to love people as unlovely as we are (I may be speaking for myself, but I doubt it)?

It amazes me, but I shouldn't be surprised, that we can voice the words and not feel them in our hearts; articulate them and not consider them in our minds. Lord help us all!

If you think of it over the few upcoming days before Christmas, please pray that God would use the music of the season to make someone aware of what they are missing out on by not enjoying His love. Society provides us with many ways to talk about God with others. Give thanks.

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