Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Back Again

Sorry. I know it's been a while since much has been put up on the blog, but I'm back and ready to be a bit more dedicated than I have been in recent months (promises, promises) - so we'll see what works out.

Some people have been requesting some notes and memories from my Costa Rican trip. I'll try to get that going and have some regular, semi-daily thoughts to share as well. Let's get re-started, okay?

Have you ever felt secure enough in a relationship to reveal things that you've been wrestling with? Maybe they are issues that God is dealing with in your life or other challenges you're facing. Within the church, there is a term that describes such a relationship - discipleship or discipling. Both require a large step of faith, a willingness to be transparent or open about your life, and a friend you can trust. None of this happens easily, but the rewards can be great - having someone who is willing to listen without having the need to "solve your problem", building a real live deep relationship with another person (we are sorely lacking in this area), and gaining the opportunity to grow personally and spiritually through the process.

Through much of our lives, we live in relational isolation from each other. Your problems and concerns are yours and mine are mine. We're tough and are completely indoctrinated in the American idea of individuality - so give me some space and time - I'll work things out on my own or die trying. We miss out on one of the great cravings of our souls. Close connection (I can't use "intimate" relationship anymore thanks to Victoria's Secret) with another being. This one person being a flesh and blood manifestation of the living God. I don't mean Jesus, although He would fit the bill, but a person who acts like Jesus, treating us as He would if He were here right now - with love, respect, and not judgment because of what we say or what we have done.

The close connection allows us to unload some of the weighty things we carry around - things we've done that we're not proud of, struggles we have with other people (sometimes who are very close to us), diffculties we're experiencing in our relationship with God, and just the daily grind of life - and letting the other person do the same. Not that it has to be deep and heavy all the time, but someone who we can share our joys and victories with as well. Someone who will walk with you through life for a time - taking part in whatever the journey brings your way.

I know that I could use some unconditional understanding, patience, and love. Particularly from someone who I can trust to not use it for their own gain or my humiliation.

Thanks God, for bringing a few people across my path whom I can trust in just such a manner. I wouldn't be the person I am without their influence and understanding. Thank you.

If you haven't connected with someone else on this level and if you think it would be a benefit to your life, ask God to provide a friend who is willing to share on that level. Then be watchful for who God brings and be open to taking a risk of being transparent in that relationship. It doesn't come easily, but it sure is worth it!

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